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+-Merci d'utiliser le forum pour les demandes d'aides sur fusion.

19 novembre 2017 à 16:35:43 Seyjin dit: Pour en revenir à Firefox, je crois que mon vieux PC en est tombé amoureux. Il avait tendance à surchauffer au bout de 5 minutes de vidéo sur Youtube. Le système d’onglets contextuels c’est super cool aussi, tu peux facilement utiliser plusieurs comptes Twitters en même temps par exemple. Et la fonction screenshot aussi c’est bien.
19 novembre 2017 à 10:28:52 Emmanuel dit: Bonjour le build 290.4 est maintenant le dernier patch de mise à jour officiel.
18 novembre 2017 à 12:14:16 Emmanuel dit: Bonjour la nouvelle version de Firefox j ai test les jeux en htlm5 il y a une sacre différence de vitesse chargement et je pense que il supporte mieux le langage.
17 novembre 2017 à 14:03:36 Seyjin dit: Haaa 😱
Je viens de m’apercevoir que ma fonction fullscreen dans 10010 ne marche pas sur tous les navigateurs. Bon j’ai plus qu’a modifier ça.
16 novembre 2017 à 22:06:53 Kloug dit: Super la mise à jour Firefox!
03 novembre 2017 à 11:51:37 Seyjin dit: Vous pensez que mon application Featherlink, qui n’est ni un jeu ni ne sert à faire des jeux, aurait sa place sur ?
29 octobre 2017 à 16:22:07 Monos dit: n'oubliez pas de changer d'heure.
27 octobre 2017 à 12:58:00 arthurh dit: ah... acheter fusion sur steam.... bof quand même.... mais bon... il y est...Si vous achetez des trucs à CT, préférez l'achat sur leur store, cela leur fera plus de thunes ;)
26 octobre 2017 à 22:52:46 Patrice dit: Moitié prix sur Steam
26 octobre 2017 à 22:50:54 Patrice dit: Promos d'Halloween Clickteam !
23 octobre 2017 à 10:45:35 Menestroll dit: Le public a parfois du mal à se rendre compte l'investissement que demande ces jeux AAA et toutes les ressources qui sont mobilisées.
23 octobre 2017 à 10:44:22 Menestroll dit: Je fais des ateliers pour enfants avec mon association "Création jeux vidéo", la première séance consiste surtout à briser les attentes des fans de GTA ou COD :D Mais cela ne touche que quelques individus dans le groupe. Une fois dans le processus créatif, ils se prennent au jeu.
23 octobre 2017 à 08:47:52 Patrice dit: Tout le monde veut courir avant d'apprendre à marcher...
22 octobre 2017 à 22:48:15 ValLoche23 dit: Parfois, je sais pas pour vous, mais quand j'essaie d'apprendre les rudiments sur Fusion à des novices qui veulent créer leurs jeu, ces derniers ont souvent tendance à croire qu'ils vont créer le dernier Call Of Duty ou le dernier MMORPG dernière tendance, et quand ils se rendent compte que c'est quasi impossible, ils se démotivent totalement et laissent tomber ! Vous avez déjà eu ça vous ? #MomentRéflexion
18 octobre 2017 à 12:24:29 Seyjin dit: Non, mais j’avais peut être mal fait un truc.
18 octobre 2017 à 12:22:33 Patrice dit: J'ai déjà rencontré ça avec des fichiers appelés de ma dropbox, c'est le cas ?
17 octobre 2017 à 22:06:34 Seyjin dit: Bon je pige plus rien, là ça marche 😨
17 octobre 2017 à 21:52:28 Seyjin dit: Fausse alerte, c’est l’objet Fichier qui veut des "\" alors que Apppath– met des "/" 😱
17 octobre 2017 à 21:05:47 Seyjin dit: hm petit bug étrange Apppath$ et Appdir$ ne me retourne plus rien.
16 octobre 2017 à 10:02:29 Emmanuel dit: patrice c est quoi c est new comme quoi Firefly  serai et portable sur telephone et web ? tu a des info.
12 octobre 2017 à 18:49:45 Monos dit: Il y a des jours comme ça on en apprend des truc cool, Le gérant de CT Françis Poulains est aussi le fondateur D'amiga Dream, lol un vieux magasin que j'avais et que j'aimais bien quand j'était petit. ah ah
04 octobre 2017 à 19:51:47 Seyjin dit: Bon, c’était un peu plus long que prévu. Mon exemple de gestion de manettes arrive très bientôt 😁
29 septembre 2017 à 20:52:09 Patrice dit: Ouvrez un topic merci :)
29 septembre 2017 à 20:44:42 Seyjin dit: Tu parles sans doute du type de mouvements. Je ne sais pas du tout si les mouvements physiques sont faisable ou non en free, par contre les mouvements non physiques sont possible.
Les collisions ne dépendent pas du type de mouvements. Elles peuvent se faire entre deux objets actifs ou un actif et le décore (si celui ci est défini comme obstacle).
Pour les obstacles et les plateformes c’est une spécificité des objets décores.
29 septembre 2017 à 20:29:30 Pit73 dit: Hello, si tu as besoin d'aide, ouvre un topic, en général ce qui est limité est entre la chaise et le bureau. ( tout s'apprend quoi... )
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Re : 3 lignes pour un n'importe quoi... par Patrice
Aujourd'hui à 12:47:11

Re : lancer un programme sur android par babybea
Aujourd'hui à 11:01:37

Re : Platformer 2D par ptiseigneur
19 novembre 2017 à 21:03:00

Re : Créé actif avec image aléatoire qui ne ce répète pas par Funkadicte
19 novembre 2017 à 16:45:21

Re : Re : Annonce des Patchs Officiel et des Patchs en bêta. par Seyjin
19 novembre 2017 à 12:30:20

Re : Annonce des Patchs Officiel et des Patchs en bêta. par Cyberclic
19 novembre 2017 à 12:19:26

Re : Annonce des Patchs Officiel et des Patchs en bêta. par Emmanuel
19 novembre 2017 à 10:25:42

Re : Collision entre actif joueur et décor par Maxtronaute
18 novembre 2017 à 21:17:49

Re : Collision avec un décore par Seyjin
18 novembre 2017 à 21:02:45

Re : Collision avec un décore par Maxtronaute
18 novembre 2017 à 20:57:39

Re : Collision avec un décore par Kloug
18 novembre 2017 à 20:45:40

Collision entre actif joueur et décor par Maxtronaute
18 novembre 2017 à 20:11:11

Re : Collision et incrémentation d'animations par Stéphane17620
18 novembre 2017 à 20:08:55

Re : Créé actif avec image aléatoire qui ne ce répète pas par Funkadicte
18 novembre 2017 à 18:58:29

Re : Collision et incrémentation d'animations par Seyjin
18 novembre 2017 à 18:50:02

Re : Collision et incrémentation d'animations par Kloug
18 novembre 2017 à 18:21:22

Re : Développer un tetris. par Emmanuel
18 novembre 2017 à 12:35:27

Re : Collision et incrémentation d'animations par Seyjin
18 novembre 2017 à 11:52:32

Re : Collision et incrémentation d'animations par Emmanuel
18 novembre 2017 à 11:52:23

Re : Collision et incrémentation d'animations par Stéphane17620
18 novembre 2017 à 11:50:13

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Auteur Sujet: Annonce des Patchs Officiel et des Patchs en bêta.  (Lu 14683 fois)


  • Staff Technique
  • Pilier légendaire incontournable
  • **
  • Messages: 1539
    • Voir le profil
  • Abonnement IOS: Oui
  • Google Play: Oui
  • Logiciel: Fusion 2.5Dev
  • Module APK: Oui
  • Module Flash: Oui
  • Module HTML5: Oui
  • Module iOS: Oui
  • Module XNA: Oui
  • Firefly: Oui
  • Module Mac: Oui
Re : Annonce des Patchs Officiel et des Patchs en bêta.
« Réponse #165 le: 11 mars 2017 à 16:50:32 »
Sortie de la version 288.2 Pre-release
Build 288.2 - Change log


- Event List Editor: new "Add" command in the popup menu, that allows you to add an action to the end of the action list of an event.

Windows runtime

- Debugger shortcuts: conflict with F8 key.
- Joystick test conditions: improvement in previous fix (double condition call).
- Get object: if the returned string starts with the UTF-8 BOM the code page is now forced to UTF-8.

Android runtime

- Fixed a slow down in runtime when navigation bar was shown
- Disable/enable item menu did not work for android 4.x or above.

HTML5 runtime

- Fast loops could be called twice when the frame has a fade-in transition.
- List box object: the scrollbar is now displayed only if necessary.

UWP runtime

- Fast loops could be called twice when the frame has a fade-in transition.
- Rounding issue in Set Font Size action.
- Multiple Touch object: didn't recognize multiple touches.


  • Staff Technique
  • Pilier légendaire incontournable
  • **
  • Messages: 1539
    • Voir le profil
  • Abonnement IOS: Oui
  • Google Play: Oui
  • Logiciel: Fusion 2.5Dev
  • Module APK: Oui
  • Module Flash: Oui
  • Module HTML5: Oui
  • Module iOS: Oui
  • Module XNA: Oui
  • Firefly: Oui
  • Module Mac: Oui
Re : Annonce des Patchs Officiel et des Patchs en bêta.
« Réponse #166 le: 16 mars 2017 à 16:28:44 »
Sortie de la 288.2  final


- Preferences: new "Default browser for Build & Run" option, allows you to select a specific browser for testing HTML5 and SWF applications.
- Data Element Editor: sound file types are displayed in the Sound tab.
- Frame editor: the grid is now displayed when the zoom is less than 100%
- Event and Event List editors: bookmarks! Use Ctrl+F11 to toggle a bookmark on the current line, F11 to go to the next bookmark, Shift+F11 to go to the previous bookmark, Ctrl+Shift+F11 to erase the bookmarks. In the Event editor you can also select if the bookmark stores the column information (in the Edit / Bookmarks menu). Note: for skins, the bookmark color is in a [EE_Bookmark] section in info.ini.
- Event editor: you can now negate Is Visible / Is Hidden / Is Flag On / Is Flag Off conditions, they are simply switched.
- Event editor: the font and colors of the latest comment you've inserted are saved.
- Event editor: the ENTER key now closes the Edit Comment dialog box and Ctrl+ENTER inserts a new line.
- Event editor: Go To Line didn't work if the line was in a sub-group of a closed group.
- Event editor: Go To Line didn't work if the line was in a closed group and the group was the last visible line.
- Event editor: "Go to" dialog boxes, text in edit box now selected by default.
- Event editor: crashes and corruption when a frame contains around 16384 events and you paste events. Note: the limit of events you can display in a frame is still limited to 20000.
- Event editor: line numbers truncated when the frame contains more than 10000 events and some groups are closed.
- Event editor: when you edit a comment you can now choose if ENTER closes the dialog box or inserts a new line.
- Event editor: bookmarks are now shared by event editor and event list editor.
- Event editor: bookmark disappear after you edit a marked line.
- Event List Editor: new "Add" command in the popup menu, that allows you to add an action to the end of the action list of an event.
- Event List editor: Go To Line was taking visible line numbers instead of real line numbers.
- Animation editor: new "Show all" option that allows you to hide the empty animations in the Animation list.
- Animation editor: you can now resize the bottom of the editor (drag the separation area when the split cursor is displayed).
- Picture editor: "New Frame" didn't work in objects with a simple image list (like Firefly Image object).
- Workspace window: you can't rename objects anymore when an action editor is open, as this was causing issues.
- Button object: in push button mode the color properties are no longer disabled for non-Windows runtime.
- Color properties: after clicking the Other button the chosen color was selected even after clicking Cancel.
- All objects: the "Compare to fixed value" condition is now at the bottom of the root of the Conditions menu, so that it's also available to objects without alterable values.

All runtimes

- All objects: new Name function, that allows you to retrieve the name of an object.
- Physics movements: new Get Angular Velocity expression.

Windows runtime

- New "Reduce CPU usage" option in Windows tab in application properties. Allows to reduce the CPU usage when the application is idle. Selecting this option may slightly reduce the performance of the application.
- New "Dont erase background if the frame has an effect" option in the Frame properties. This option is OFF by default. Allows the frame to use the previous display, for example for motion blur effects. This was more or less the previous default behavior but this was causing issues with some effects, so it was turned off in the build 287.
- The encryption mode of the INI++1.5 object didn't work, the update is available through the extension manager.
- Debugger: keyboard shortcuts are (at last) implemented (Ctrl+F8 = Pause, F10 = Step, F8=continue, Shift+F8 = Quit, F2 = Restart, Ctrl+O = Add object)
- Debugger: the objects' fixed value is now displayed.
- Debugger: the global values and strings trees are no longer collapsed when you go from a frame to another one.
- "Pause and resume when any key is pressed" now also works with joystick buttons
- Joystick test conditions: improvement in previous fix (double condition call).
- Active Picture object: displays a black box for offsets greater than the object size if wrap mode and software mode are off.
- Background and Active System Box objects: optimization for large objects that display a pattern in scrolling apps.
- Counter object: bar not refreshed when you change the maximum or minimum value.
- Data Grid object: the comma is no longer considered as separator when you paste cells from an Excel spreadsheet.
- Data Grid object: empty celles weren't pasted.
- Dialog Box object: syntax error in Edit Box Line Count expression.
- Dialog Box object: Is Maximized condition couldn't be selected.
- Get object: if the returned string starts with the UTF-8 BOM the code page is now forced to UTF-8.
- INI object: now supports INI files embedded in Binary Data. When you run the application, if the INI file exists on the machine, the program uses it, otherwise it searches for it in the binary data. If it's in the binary data, the file is extracted to a temporary file until you try to write a value. In this case the INI file is copied from the temporary folder to the normal directory and the value is written. We've also added a new "Create INI file to AppData folder" option that is compatible with binary data, unlike the previous one that didn't support full pathnames (required for files in binary data in the Windows runtime). Make sure you select this option if you both want to read the initial INI file from the binary data and write values to the INI file in the AppData folder.
- Physics Particles object: fix.
- Print object: printer settings not saved by the Printer Setup action.
- String object: string not displayed if its height was greater than 32767 pixels.

Android/HTML5/SWF/UWP runtimes

- The version code can now contain up to 7 digits.
- String Parser: Set Default Delimiter now adds the delimiter even if it was not found (= same as Windows and iOS).

Android runtime

- Fixed a slow down in runtime when navigation bar was shown
- Disable/enable item menu did not work for android 4.x or above.
- Collision not detected between 1-pixel-wide objects in fine detection mode and backdrop objects in box collision mode.
- Changes in navigation bar handling.
- Sounds: fixes, reverted incorrect changes done in previous build.
- Bug in FloatToString expression.
- Global values and strings: crash for negative indexes.
- Fixes in multiple touches.
- Active Picture object: fixes in hotspot, rotation and direction features.
- Active Picture object: fixes in hotspots, etc.
- Admob object: fix.
- Android Plus object: new function to set and retrieve the main volume of the device, and to handle the action bar.
- Android Video: media bar automatically hidden if status bar is hidden.
- Color Picker object: added white & black colors.
- Counter object: fix in display of floating point values.
- File Dialog object: crash fix.
- Phyics Joint object: fixes.
- String Parser: a comma had been incorrectly added as default delimiter.

iOS runtime

- Collision not detected between 1-pixel-wide objects in fine detection mode and backdrop objects in box collision mode.
- Sounds: fix.
- Bug in FloatToString expression.
- Active Picture object: fixes in hotspot, rotation and direction features.
- Chartboost object: crash fix.
- Calculate Text Rect object: fix.
- Multiple Touch object: some objects could be not detected.
- Phyics Movements: Get Mass didn't work.
- String Parser: a comma had been incorrectly added as default delimiter.

SWF runtime

- Counter object: alpha blending coefficient not taken into account in new digits when you set the counter to a greater value.
- String Parser: a comma had been incorrectly added as default delimiter.

HTML5 runtime

- Browser detection added in build 288 crashed in HTML5 Final build mode.
- Mouse coordinates not updated in sub-apps when you move a touch on touch screens.
- Fast loops could be called twice when the frame has a fade-in transition.
- Mouse clicks: you had to click twice in Internet Explorer.
- Active Backdrop object: the hotspot of the image was not ignored, unlike the other runtimes.
- Active Picture object: hot spots incorrectly handled.
- Active Picture object: size expressions didn't return correct values in case or scaling and/or rotation.
- Active System Box object: text not displayed sometimes when you resize the object.
- Get: fixes for latest version of Chrome.
- List Box object: Insert String = Add String after line #10.
- List Box object: Sort option didn't work on Chrome.
- List Box object: it was incorrectly set to multiple selection mode.
- List box object: the scrollbar is now displayed only if necessary.
- HTML5 object: incorrect MSIE name for Internet Explorer in emulation mode when you run from the editor with the Windows runtime.
- HTML5 object: better browser detection, separated detection of Edge browser from Internet Explorer.
- HTML5 object: new Is Edge condition.
- Picture and Active Picture objects: Load Picture didn't work if you specify the filename via the file selector in the event editor.
- Physics Movement: Get Mass expression crash.
- String object: its height was incorrect when it's not aligned with the top.
- String object: there was no interline between text lines in multiple-line texts.
- String Parser object: crash when you use some features unless there is a String Tokenizer object in the application.
- String Tokenizer object: Element$ function not correctly protected against invalid indexes.

UWP runtime

- Fast loops could be called twice when the frame has a fade-in transition.
- Rounding issue in Set Font Size action.
- Move before / move behind actions didn't work.
- Active Backdrop object: the hotspot of the image was not ignored, unlike the other runtimes.
- Active Picture object: hot spots incorrectly handled.
- Active Picture object: size expressions didn't return correct values in case or scaling and/or rotation.
- Button object: the System Colors option was ignored.
- HTML5 object: the Browser / Get OS Name function now returns "Windows.Desktop" on desktop machines, "Windows.Mobile" on Windows phones, "Windows.Xbox" on Xbox.
- List Box object: problem with Sort option when the object was visible and a hidden non-empty object couldn't be shown.
- List Box object: it was incorrectly set to multiple selection mode.
- Multiple Touch object: didn't recognize multiple touches.
- Physics Movement: Get Mass expression crash.
- String object: its height was incorrect when it's not aligned with the top.
- String object: there was no interline between text lines in multi-line texts.
- String object: word wrap issue with some texts.
- String object: the bottom of some texts was truncated.
- String Tokenizer object: Element$ function not correctly protected against invalid indexes.

Mac runtime

- New "Mac Application File (.ccm)" build type, useful when you've built an Xcode project and want to simply update the application data. Note: if you add extensions to your application in the meantime, you'll have to regenerate a Xcode project.
- The Run External Program command can now open URLs (starting with "http" or "https") in the default broser.
- Mouse coordinates not always updated in On Mouse Click events.
- Problem in Every condition introduced in build 287.
- Embedded files didn't work with pathnames calculated with expressions.

Firefly extensions

- examples.mfa : Added a Split-screen demo frame
- examples.mfa : Added Joint Demo frame
- examples.mfa : Added Shaders example frame
- examples.mfa : Added Static Mesh example frame
- examples.mfa : Added Clould Sprite particles example frame
- Firefly Engine: Changed Default Shadows to off.
- Firefly Engine: display window not destroyed when you jump to another frame.
- Firefly Engine: upgrade to a newer version of the Irrlicht engine.
- Mouse events are now passed to the application.
- Behind the scenes changes to allow for better debugging options.
- Updated Debugging replies now includes Timestamps.
- Firefly image: Fixed an issue causing the "Auto add to engine" to not correctly initialise the image.
- Firefly Node Animated Mesh / Static Mesh / Primitive: Added a new Transposition option "Transpose 2dx -> 3dx, 2dy(i) -> 3dz " which will invert the Y axis to better match the frame layout.


  • Clickeur bien intégré
  • Messages: 142
    • Voir le profil
    • valeth portfolio
  • Google Play: Oui
  • Logiciel: Fusion 2.5
Re : Annonce des Patchs Officiel et des Patchs en bêta.
« Réponse #167 le: 17 mars 2017 à 11:51:14 »
- Animation editor: new "Show all" option that allows you to hide the empty animations in the Animation list.
- Animation editor: you can now resize the bottom of the editor (drag the separation area when the split cursor is displayed)

Bon, nous ne pouvons toujours pas reclasser les animations, néanmoins ces nouvelles options sont vraiment les bienvenues !

- Event editor: you can now negate Is Visible / Is Hidden / Is Flag On / Is Flag Off conditions, they are simply switched.

J'avais un peu de mal à comprendre l’intérêt de la chose au premier abord.
Mais bon, en cas d'erreur du choix de son évènement, cela nous permets d'inverser sa fonction en deux clics. C'est toujours ça de pris.
« Modifié: 17 mars 2017 à 11:59:53 par Valeth »


  • Staff Technique
  • Pilier légendaire incontournable
  • **
  • Messages: 1539
    • Voir le profil
  • Abonnement IOS: Oui
  • Google Play: Oui
  • Logiciel: Fusion 2.5Dev
  • Module APK: Oui
  • Module Flash: Oui
  • Module HTML5: Oui
  • Module iOS: Oui
  • Module XNA: Oui
  • Firefly: Oui
  • Module Mac: Oui
Re : Annonce des Patchs Officiel et des Patchs en bêta.
« Réponse #168 le: 23 mars 2017 à 11:02:50 »
Bonjour suite un problème dans le 288.2 yves a fait une correction rapidement
on passe en version 288.3 final
voila les petit correction

Build 288.3 - Change log


- Animation editor: the splitter could be moved out of the window after you maximize the window vertically and close it.
- Event editor: inserting a Global Value by Index expression in the expression editor no longer erases the previous content.

Windows runtime

- Sounds: rare random crash when channels are busy and you play a new sound.
- Layer object: crash 10 seconds after you load a new image as parameter of a pixel shader.

HTML5 runtime

- Application window now gets the focus when you click it, even if it's in an iFrame.

version final
Build 288.3 - Change log


- Preferences: new "Default browser for Build & Run" option, allows you to select a specific browser for testing HTML5 and SWF applications.
- Data Element Editor: sound file types are displayed in the Sound tab.
- Frame editor: the grid is now displayed when the zoom is less than 100%
- Event and Event List editors: bookmarks! Use Ctrl+F11 to toggle a bookmark on the current line, F11 to go to the next bookmark, Shift+F11 to go to the previous bookmark, Ctrl+Shift+F11 to erase the bookmarks. In the Event editor you can also select if the bookmark stores the column information (in the Edit / Bookmarks menu). Note: for skins, the bookmark color is in a [EE_Bookmark] section in info.ini.
- Event editor: you can now negate Is Visible / Is Hidden / Is Flag On / Is Flag Off conditions, they are simply switched.
- Event editor: the font and colors of the latest comment you've inserted are saved.
- Event editor: the ENTER key now closes the Edit Comment dialog box and Ctrl+ENTER inserts a new line.
- Event editor: Go To Line didn't work if the line was in a sub-group of a closed group.
- Event editor: Go To Line didn't work if the line was in a closed group and the group was the last visible line.
- Event editor: "Go to" dialog boxes, text in edit box now selected by default.
- Event editor: crashes and corruption when a frame contains around 16384 events and you paste events. Note: the limit of events you can display in a frame is still limited to 20000.
- Event editor: line numbers truncated when the frame contains more than 10000 events and some groups are closed.
- Event editor: when you edit a comment you can now choose if ENTER closes the dialog box or inserts a new line.
- Event editor: bookmarks are now shared by event editor and event list editor.
- Event editor: bookmark disappear after you edit a marked line.
- Event editor: inserting a Global Value by Index expression in the expression editor no longer erases the previous content.
- Event List Editor: new "Add" command in the popup menu, that allows you to add an action to the end of the action list of an event.
- Event List editor: Go To Line was taking visible line numbers instead of real line numbers.
- Animation editor: new "Show all" option that allows you to hide the empty animations in the Animation list.
- Animation editor: you can now resize the bottom of the editor (drag the separation area when the split cursor is displayed).
- Picture editor: "New Frame" didn't work in objects with a simple image list (like Firefly Image object).
- Workspace window: you can't rename objects anymore when an action editor is open, as this was causing issues.
- Button object: in push button mode the color properties are no longer disabled for non-Windows runtime.
- Color properties: after clicking the Other button the chosen color was selected even after clicking Cancel.
- All objects: the "Compare to fixed value" condition is now at the bottom of the root of the Conditions menu, so that it's also available to objects without alterable values.

All runtimes

- All objects: new Name function, that allows you to retrieve the name of an object.
- Physics movements: new Get Angular Velocity expression.

Windows runtime

- New "Reduce CPU usage" option in Windows tab in application properties. Allows to reduce the CPU usage when the application is idle. Selecting this option may slightly reduce the performance of the application.
- New "Dont erase background if the frame has an effect" option in the Frame properties. This option is OFF by default. Allows the frame to use the previous display, for example for motion blur effects. This was more or less the previous default behavior but this was causing issues with some effects, so it was turned off in the build 287.
- The encryption mode of the INI++1.5 object didn't work, the update is available through the extension manager.
- Debugger: keyboard shortcuts are (at last) implemented (Ctrl+F8 = Pause, F10 = Step, F8=continue, Shift+F8 = Quit, F2 = Restart, Ctrl+O = Add object)
- Debugger: the objects' fixed value is now displayed.
- Debugger: the global values and strings trees are no longer collapsed when you go from a frame to another one.
- "Pause and resume when any key is pressed" now also works with joystick buttons
- Joystick test conditions: improvement in previous fix (double condition call).
- Sounds: rare random crash when channels are busy and you play a new sound.
- Active Picture object: displays a black box for offsets greater than the object size if wrap mode and software mode are off.
- Background and Active System Box objects: optimization for large objects that display a pattern in scrolling apps.
- Counter object: bar not refreshed when you change the maximum or minimum value.
- Data Grid object: the comma is no longer considered as separator when you paste cells from an Excel spreadsheet.
- Data Grid object: empty celles weren't pasted.
- Dialog Box object: syntax error in Edit Box Line Count expression.
- Dialog Box object: Is Maximized condition couldn't be selected.
- Get object: if the returned string starts with the UTF-8 BOM the code page is now forced to UTF-8.
- INI object: now supports INI files embedded in Binary Data. When you run the application, if the INI file exists on the machine, the program uses it, otherwise it searches for it in the binary data. If it's in the binary data, the file is extracted to a temporary file until you try to write a value. In this case the INI file is copied from the temporary folder to the normal directory and the value is written. We've also added a new "Create INI file to AppData folder" option that is compatible with binary data, unlike the previous one that didn't support full pathnames (required for files in binary data in the Windows runtime). Make sure you select this option if you both want to read the initial INI file from the binary data and write values to the INI file in the AppData folder.
- Layer object: crash 10 seconds after you load a new image as parameter of a pixel shader.
- Physics Particles object: fix.
- Print object: printer settings not saved by the Printer Setup action.
- String object: string not displayed if its height was greater than 32767 pixels.

Android/HTML5/SWF/UWP runtimes

- The version code can now contain up to 7 digits.
- String Parser: Set Default Delimiter now adds the delimiter even if it was not found (= same as Windows and iOS).

Android runtime

- Fixed a slow down in runtime when navigation bar was shown
- Disable/enable item menu did not work for android 4.x or above.
- Collision not detected between 1-pixel-wide objects in fine detection mode and backdrop objects in box collision mode.
- Changes in navigation bar handling.
- Sounds: fixes, reverted incorrect changes done in previous build.
- Bug in FloatToString expression.
- Global values and strings: crash for negative indexes.
- Fixes in multiple touches.
- Active Picture object: fixes in hotspot, rotation and direction features.
- Active Picture object: fixes in hotspots, etc.
- Admob object: fix.
- Android Plus object: new function to set and retrieve the main volume of the device, and to handle the action bar.
- Android Video: media bar automatically hidden if status bar is hidden.
- Color Picker object: added white & black colors.
- Counter object: fix in display of floating point values.
- File Dialog object: crash fix.
- Phyics Joint object: fixes.
- String Parser: a comma had been incorrectly added as default delimiter.

iOS runtime

- Collision not detected between 1-pixel-wide objects in fine detection mode and backdrop objects in box collision mode.
- Sounds: fix.
- Bug in FloatToString expression.
- Active Picture object: fixes in hotspot, rotation and direction features.
- Chartboost object: crash fix.
- Calculate Text Rect object: fix.
- Multiple Touch object: some objects could be not detected.
- Phyics Movements: Get Mass didn't work.
- String Parser: a comma had been incorrectly added as default delimiter.

SWF runtime

- Counter object: alpha blending coefficient not taken into account in new digits when you set the counter to a greater value.
- String Parser: a comma had been incorrectly added as default delimiter.

HTML5 runtime

- Browser detection added in build 288 crashed in HTML5 Final build mode.
- Mouse coordinates not updated in sub-apps when you move a touch on touch screens.
- Fast loops could be called twice when the frame has a fade-in transition.
- Mouse clicks: you had to click twice in Internet Explorer.
- Application window now gets the focus when you click it, even if it's in an iFrame.
- Active Backdrop object: the hotspot of the image was not ignored, unlike the other runtimes.
- Active Picture object: hot spots incorrectly handled.
- Active Picture object: size expressions didn't return correct values in case or scaling and/or rotation.
- Active System Box object: text not displayed sometimes when you resize the object.
- Get: fixes for latest version of Chrome.
- List Box object: Insert String = Add String after line #10.
- List Box object: Sort option didn't work on Chrome.
- List Box object: it was incorrectly set to multiple selection mode.
- List box object: the scrollbar is now displayed only if necessary.
- HTML5 object: incorrect MSIE name for Internet Explorer in emulation mode when you run from the editor with the Windows runtime.
- HTML5 object: better browser detection, separated detection of Edge browser from Internet Explorer.
- HTML5 object: new Is Edge condition.
- Picture and Active Picture objects: Load Picture didn't work if you specify the filename via the file selector in the event editor.
- Physics Movement: Get Mass expression crash.
- String object: its height was incorrect when it's not aligned with the top.
- String object: there was no interline between text lines in multiple-line texts.
- String Parser object: crash when you use some features unless there is a String Tokenizer object in the application.
- String Tokenizer object: Element$ function not correctly protected against invalid indexes.

UWP runtime

- Fast loops could be called twice when the frame has a fade-in transition.
- Rounding issue in Set Font Size action.
- Move before / move behind actions didn't work.
- Active Backdrop object: the hotspot of the image was not ignored, unlike the other runtimes.
- Active Picture object: hot spots incorrectly handled.
- Active Picture object: size expressions didn't return correct values in case or scaling and/or rotation.
- Button object: the System Colors option was ignored.
- HTML5 object: the Browser / Get OS Name function now returns "Windows.Desktop" on desktop machines, "Windows.Mobile" on Windows phones, "Windows.Xbox" on Xbox.
- List Box object: problem with Sort option when the object was visible and a hidden non-empty object couldn't be shown.
- List Box object: it was incorrectly set to multiple selection mode.
- Multiple Touch object: didn't recognize multiple touches.
- Physics Movement: Get Mass expression crash.
- String object: its height was incorrect when it's not aligned with the top.
- String object: there was no interline between text lines in multi-line texts.
- String object: word wrap issue with some texts.
- String object: the bottom of some texts was truncated.
- String Tokenizer object: Element$ function not correctly protected against invalid indexes.

Mac runtime

- New "Mac Application File (.ccm)" build type, useful when you've built an Xcode project and want to simply update the application data. Note: if you add extensions to your application in the meantime, you'll have to regenerate a Xcode project.
- The Run External Program command can now open URLs (starting with "http" or "https") in the default broser.
- Mouse coordinates not always updated in On Mouse Click events.
- Problem in Every condition introduced in build 287.
- Embedded files didn't work with pathnames calculated with expressions.

Firefly extensions

- examples.mfa : Added a Split-screen demo frame
- examples.mfa : Added Joint Demo frame
- examples.mfa : Added Shaders example frame
- examples.mfa : Added Static Mesh example frame
- examples.mfa : Added Clould Sprite particles example frame
- Firefly Engine: Changed Default Shadows to off.
- Firefly Engine: display window not destroyed when you jump to another frame.
- Firefly Engine: upgrade to a newer version of the Irrlicht engine.
- Mouse events are now passed to the application.
- Behind the scenes changes to allow for better debugging options.
- Updated Debugging replies now includes Timestamps.
- Firefly image: Fixed an issue causing the "Auto add to engine" to not correctly initialise the image.
- Firefly Node Animated Mesh / Static Mesh / Primitive: Added a new Transposition option "Transpose 2dx -> 3dx, 2dy(i) -> 3dz " which will invert the Y axis to better match the frame layout.


  • Staff Technique
  • Pilier légendaire incontournable
  • **
  • Messages: 1539
    • Voir le profil
  • Abonnement IOS: Oui
  • Google Play: Oui
  • Logiciel: Fusion 2.5Dev
  • Module APK: Oui
  • Module Flash: Oui
  • Module HTML5: Oui
  • Module iOS: Oui
  • Module XNA: Oui
  • Firefly: Oui
  • Module Mac: Oui
Re : Annonce des Patchs Officiel et des Patchs en bêta.
« Réponse #169 le: 10 juin 2017 à 17:40:01 »
sortie de la version Build 289.0 (Beta) et Build 289.1 (Beta) et Build 289.2 (pre-relance)
Build 289.2 - Change log

Frame Editor

- The Space Objects commands now also move the last object in the selection.


- Fixed crash on some devices in low memory condition.
- Fixed crash on some devices due to a change in build 289.1.


- Error when you build an app with a space character in the pathname.
- Apps built in the Documents folder couldn't be executed unless their pathname is relative to the Z drive.

Build 289.1 - Change log

Android, HTML5, UWP and SWF exporters

- Alterable string by index didn't work correctly.


- Changes in main runtime for OBB object. Note: the previous version of the Android OBB object is no longer compatible with this new version. Please download the new version of this object from Clickstore.
- Fixed crash at loading time on some devices.
- Protection against crashes added in sound player.
- Improvement in permissions handling for API 23+.


- Known issue: if MS VS 2017 says the project is incompatible, make sure the "maximum target version" option in the UWP properties of the application matches the version number of one of the installed SDKs. Check in the Visual Studio installer to see the ones that are installed.


- Crash if the app has no menu.
- App loses focus when you switch to/from full screen.
- Backdrops scroll bug in build 289.0.
- Mac editor - known issue: you can't build apps to the Documents folder, build apps to the Desktop (for example) instead.
- Question & Answer object: crash.
- New Game Center objects (Achievement, Achievements, Connect, LeaderBoard, Multiplayer).

Build 289.0 - Change log


- Properties: Ctrl+C/V/X not working in numeric properties with a spin control or slider.
- Properties: when multiple objects are selected and have the same number of alterable values, and you delete the last value, it was removed from only one object.
- Frame editor: incorrect grid display at zoom level 75%.
- Event editor: TAB not working in dialog box that contains zone coordinates for "User clicks in zone" condition.
- Event editor: system objects are now always displayed in object lists even when the filter string is not empty.
- Event editor: crash when an object contains several behaviors, you edit one and delete one of the others that are above in the list while the event editor is open.
- Rich Edit object: the "Internal file" feature could crash Fusion 2.5 and was not working at runtime.

Windows runtime

- F2 was incorrectly used for Restart Frame instead of Restart Application when the debugger keyboard shortcuts are enabled. This shortcut is now set to Shift+F2.

All runtimes

- Physics - Platform movement: initial direction not correctly taken into account.

iOS, Android, Mac, UWP, SWF, HTML5 runtimes

- Physics - Bouncing Ball movement: Set Direction didn't work correctly.
- Physics - Bouncing Ball movement: initial direction not correctly taken into account.

iOS runtime

- Game Center objects: crash in Find Match and sounds are not paused anymore when the Game Center interface is displayed.
- List object: iOS Picker option didn't work anymore.
- Multiple Touch object: bug with scrolling apps.

Android runtime

- Performance issues in scrolling apps that contain texts.
- All sounds are now played asynchroneously.
- Sound duration could return incorrect values.
- Edit boxes lose focus after a few seconds.
- Fix for Samsung Galaxy Tabs using Android 4.2.2.
- Float To String: now use US string format like other runtimes.
- Scores could become negative when you subtract a value, unlike other runtimes.
- Physics - Bouncing Ball movement: Get Deceleration didn't work.
- Active Picture object: anti-aliasing was no longer taken into account.
- Android New Dialogs object: can now use Android drawables (see object help for more info).
- Android Plus object: new functions to set colors and icons (see object help for more info).
- Android InApp object: new functions to check if a product is canceled, refunded, to retrieve currency, generate a unique token, get notifications when from the store or when the inventory is updated.
- Android object: fix in permissions and intents.
- new Android Theme object (available in Clickstore)
- Update for Google Play Multiplayer object (in Clickstore)
- Date & Time object: shift in position.
- Get object: fix in HTTPS calls.

HTML5 runtime

- Pause / Resume sample didn't work correctly.
- Set sample position didn't work correctly.
- Get object: if several Get objects were in the frame, only one "on get complete" condition was called.
- Space characters in extension names are automatically replaced by '_'.

UWP runtime

- Sub-app object: crash due to unremoved debug code (fixed in version 288.4 of the exporter).
- Pause / Resume sample didn't work correctly.
- Set sample position didn't work correctly.

Mac runtime

- Mac editor: when you select the Xcode Project build you have now to choose a folder and project name, the project will be saved in the "ProjectName" subdirectory of the chosen folder.
- App properties: new "Redirect bundle files to user data folder" option. This option affects the files you save into your bundle (= the ones you specify with Apppath$ + "filename", or the files without pathname like "filename" that are read/written in Contents/Resources). It allows the app to automatically save files to the user data folder instead of saving them in the bundle. More information in the help (Distributing / Mac applications section).
- File object: the User Application Data folder now returns the Library/Application Support folder. Note: if you want to save files to this folder, you save them to a subdirectory named with the name of your application or your bundle ID.
Note #2: in sandbox mode, this expression returns the directory in which you can write files.
- iOS/MacOS Video object: now supports more features (though it doesn't support some iOS features like the Full screen at start or Scaling properties).
- Fusion could randomly generate incorrect Xcode projects.
- Support of MIDI files has been removed.
- OGG sounds smaller than 1 second didn't play.
- The Password menu entry was not removed if no frame has a password.
- The Help / Content menu entry was not removed if there was no Help file or URL defined in the app properties.
- The Full Screen menu entry was zooming the window instead of switching to full screen mode.
- Menu keyboard shortcuts required you to press SHIFT.
- Keyboard object: "On Any Key Pressed" and "Pause and Resume when pressing a key" didn't work.
- Physical movements: Get Angle now returns a floating point value like the other runtimes.
- Object fade-in transitions didn't take the hot spot into account and some of them didn't work correctly.
- Mouse click on object didn't work in sub-apps.


  • Staff Technique
  • Pilier légendaire incontournable
  • **
  • Messages: 1539
    • Voir le profil
  • Abonnement IOS: Oui
  • Google Play: Oui
  • Logiciel: Fusion 2.5Dev
  • Module APK: Oui
  • Module Flash: Oui
  • Module HTML5: Oui
  • Module iOS: Oui
  • Module XNA: Oui
  • Firefly: Oui
  • Module Mac: Oui
Re : Annonce des Patchs Officiel et des Patchs en bêta.
« Réponse #170 le: 27 juin 2017 à 15:45:12 »
sortie de la Build 289.3 (pre-relance)
Build 289.3 - Change log


- Event List editor: Paste randomly not working.
- Frame Editor: the Space Objects commands no longer keep a pixel-perfect spacing (distance can vary by 1 pixel), unless you press SHIFT.

All runtimes

- Rope and Chain object: incorrect position when it's not created at start.

Windows runtime

- Pause and resume with any key: problem with the keys that were defined as joystick buttons in the player controls.


- Hi-score object: crash in Check Score.
- Input object: crash when the input box opens.


  • Staff Technique
  • Pilier légendaire incontournable
  • **
  • Messages: 1539
    • Voir le profil
  • Abonnement IOS: Oui
  • Google Play: Oui
  • Logiciel: Fusion 2.5Dev
  • Module APK: Oui
  • Module Flash: Oui
  • Module HTML5: Oui
  • Module iOS: Oui
  • Module XNA: Oui
  • Firefly: Oui
  • Module Mac: Oui
Re : Annonce des Patchs Officiel et des Patchs en bêta.
« Réponse #171 le: 30 septembre 2017 à 11:55:27 »
Bonjour Sortie du build 290 et aussitôt 290.1 beta

le truc le plus intéressante et que maintenant on peu nommes Drapeaux.

Build 290.1 - Change log

Android runtime

- Object flags not initialized at runtime.

iOS and Mac runtimes

- Due to another bug the fix in "Inactivate if too far from window" caused objects to be destroyed at startup.
- Replace color crash.

Build 290.0 - Change log


- Named flags: the object flags can now be named and initialized in the properties (like alterable values).
- Event editor: in Test Collision dialog box that contains 2 object lists, the content of the search box now depends on the focused list.
- Mouse movement: if you edit the mouse movement of an object that is also created in the event editor, the zone may be displayed around the 0,0 coordinate (instead of around the selected object).
- Apps containing the Quicktime object couldn't be loaded if Quicktime fails. You can now load the applications, but Quicktime doesn't seem to work anymore, you should use a DirectShow object instead to play video files.

All runtimes

- The "Automatic" mode of the "Inactivate if too far from window" option was handled differently for objects created in the frame editor and objects created at runtime, causing objects created at runtime being inactivated in more cases when the object is out of the window. Note: there should be no problem with this fix, but in any case you can simply force an object to be inactivated by setting this option to "Yes".

Windows runtime

- High CPU usage when the application is minimized.
- Sounds: after playing an uninterruptable sound on a specific channel this channel could play only uninterruptable sounds.
- Load Frame Position: stopped objects no longer move after loading a frame position.
- List View object: new "Natural sort" property. When this option is selected, the digits are considered as numbers in strings in Sort actions.
- List View object: couldn't load or save files in Array object format.
- Multitouch object: New Touch On Object didn't work with qualifiers.
- Physics Rope and Chain object: Move To Layer didn't move the elements.
- Physics movements: if the application contain multiple engines, some movements could randomly be attached to a wrong engine.
- Popup Menu object: crash when you retrieve the text of an empty item.

Mac runtime

- Extension bundle identifiers are now specific to each application.
- Replace Color was replacing colors in other objects using the same image.
- Replace Color no longer slower after replacing several colors.
- "Inactivate if too far from window" was incorrectly using frame limits instead of window limits.
- Advanced Path Movement: Load and Save have been ported.
- Double Precision Calculator object now available for Mac.
- Multitouch object: New Touch On Object didn't work with qualifiers.
- Physics Rope and Chain object: Move To Layer didn't move the elements.
- Physics movements: if the application contain multiple engines, some movements could randomly be attached to a wrong engine.

iOS runtime

- New property for 1024x1024 App Store icon, required by Xcode9 / iOS11. Please check it in your existing apps before submitting the app to the App Store.
- Replace Color was replacing colors in other objects using the same image.
- Replace Color no longer slower after replacing several colors.
- "Inactivate if too far from window" was incorrectly using frame limits instead of window limits since build 283.
- Fixes for Xcode 9.
- Fixes in iOS Store object.
- Advanced Path Movement: Load and Save have been ported.
- Double Precision Calculator object now available for iOS.
- Multitouch object: New Touch On Object didn't work with qualifiers.
- Physics Rope and Chain object: Move To Layer didn't move the elements.
- Physics movements: if the application contain multiple engines, some movements could randomly be attached to a wrong engine.

UWP runtime

- "Running As" didn't have an entry for the UWP runtime.
- Multitouch object: New Touch On Object didn't work with qualifiers.
- Physics Rope and Chain object: Move To Layer didn't move the elements.

HTML5 runtime

- Multitouch object: New Touch On Object didn't work with qualifiers.
- Physics Rope and Chain object: Move To Layer didn't move the elements.

Android runtime

- Added RTL support in strings, system boxes.
- Touch joystick: position saved after screen rotation.
- Advanced Path Movement: Load and Save have been ported.
- Android Camera object didn't work with Android 7.
- Android New Dialog Control object: Slider min value was not set.
- Android Plus object: new action to setup a shortcut.
- Android Plus object: fix in Reset Joystick Emulation in autorelease mode.
- Combo Box: better display.
- Double Precision calculator object: fix.
- Edit and Input Type objects: more WYSIWYG.
- File object: ported more features in file selectors.
- Google Play objects: fixes.
- InApp Purchase object: update.
- INI object: permission no longer checked when the INI file is in the app data folder.
- Multitouch object: New Touch On Object didn't work with qualifiers.
- Physics: fans didn't work in some cases.
- Physics Rope and Chain object: Move To Layer didn't move the elements.
- Physics movements: if the application contain multiple engines, some movements could randomly be attached to a wrong engine.
- Sub-app object: controls didn't work.
- Sub-app object: didn't hide/show correctly.

SWF runtime

- Physics Rope and Chain object: Move To Layer didn't move the elements.
- Physics movements: if the application contain multiple engines, some movements could randomly be attached to a wrong engine.


  • Staff Technique
  • Pilier légendaire incontournable
  • **
  • Messages: 1539
    • Voir le profil
  • Abonnement IOS: Oui
  • Google Play: Oui
  • Logiciel: Fusion 2.5Dev
  • Module APK: Oui
  • Module Flash: Oui
  • Module HTML5: Oui
  • Module iOS: Oui
  • Module XNA: Oui
  • Firefly: Oui
  • Module Mac: Oui
Re : Annonce des Patchs Officiel et des Patchs en bêta.
« Réponse #172 le: 21 octobre 2017 à 11:45:13 »
Sortie du build 290.2 beta et aussitôt 290.3 beta
Build 290.3 - Change log


- Action Point import/export not 100% fixed.

All runtimes

- Animation issue with Physics Pause.

Android runtime

- Get object fix.

Build 290.2 - Change log


- Picture editor / Export sprite sheet in box mode: boxes now take into account action points that are outside the image rectangle.
- New tutorial, Chocobreak HD. Learn how to build a tastier breakout game: more bricks, bonuses and levels, structured game logic with groups of events, custom paddle movement, responsive game design, level saving and loading, persistent best scores, social gaming features.

All runtimes

- Physics Engine: new Pause and Resume actions.

Windows runtime

- Cosine/Sine/Tangent expressions now do a angle mod 360 to avoid accumulating precision errors for values above 360.
- "Create at start" option not taken into account (if unchecked) by "Load on call" option.
- Physics - Rope and chain object: the position of the elements was delayed by one frame in scrolling apps.

Android runtime

- InApp Purchase didn't compile anymore.
- MultiTouch object: the "Fine collision" property of objects is now taken into account.
- Get object: fixed a condition where GET/POST may be executed twice.

HTML5 runtime

- End of application didn't work in sub-apps.
- Physics - 8 directions movement: bug when rotation speed was equal to 0.

iOS runtime

- AES Fusion object ported to iOS.
- The latest Replace Color "fix" is canceled, it was causing problems.

Mac runtime

- AES Fusion object ported to Mac.
- The latest Replace Color "fix" is canceled, it was causing problems.

UWP runtime

- Physics - 8 directions movement: bug when rotation speed was equal to 0.


  • Staff Technique
  • Pilier légendaire incontournable
  • **
  • Messages: 1539
    • Voir le profil
  • Abonnement IOS: Oui
  • Google Play: Oui
  • Logiciel: Fusion 2.5Dev
  • Module APK: Oui
  • Module Flash: Oui
  • Module HTML5: Oui
  • Module iOS: Oui
  • Module XNA: Oui
  • Firefly: Oui
  • Module Mac: Oui
Re : Annonce des Patchs Officiel et des Patchs en bêta.
« Réponse #173 le: 16 novembre 2017 à 10:49:55 »
Sortie du Build 290.4 Pre-release.

Build 290.4 - Change log


- Help: "Distributing your application" section messed up in the Mac editor.
- Couldn't build and run a HTML5 or SWF application with a space character in the filename, if a browser is specified in the preferences.

Windows runtime

- Crash when extension objects display a popup window at loading time.
- Multiple Touch object: mouse clicks no longer trigger touch events if the window is hidden behind another one.
- Physics Rope and Chain object: app could crash after you delete a rope and chain object.
- Game Center object: the "welcome back" window displayed in simulations is now automatically closed if it's still visible when you jump to another frame.

All runtimes

- Physics - all objects: bug with new Pause action.

Android runtime

- Date & Time object: Compare to count down triggered even if timer not started.
- Navigation bar issue on devices without hardware buttons (bar always shown when you come back to the app after putting it in the background).
- Movements didn't support coordinates greater than 32767.

iOS runtime

- Webview object: fixes (scaling issue and GetInnerTextbyId not working).

HTML5 runtime

- HiScore object: Set name, Set Score and Reset didn't work.
- Movements didn't support coordinates greater than 32767.

UWP runtime

- Movements didn't support coordinates greater than 32767.
- Pause and Resume with any key: the recent changes in the Windows runtime to support joystick buttons have been ported to UWP.

SWF runtime

- Date & Time object: Compare to count down triggered even if timer not started.

Mac runtime

- Xcode validation issue with apps that contain the Game Center Connect object.


  • Staff Technique
  • Pilier légendaire incontournable
  • **
  • Messages: 1539
    • Voir le profil
  • Abonnement IOS: Oui
  • Google Play: Oui
  • Logiciel: Fusion 2.5Dev
  • Module APK: Oui
  • Module Flash: Oui
  • Module HTML5: Oui
  • Module iOS: Oui
  • Module XNA: Oui
  • Firefly: Oui
  • Module Mac: Oui
Re : Annonce des Patchs Officiel et des Patchs en bêta.
« Réponse #174 le: 19 novembre 2017 à 10:25:42 »
Bonjour le build 290.4 est maintenant le dernier patch de mise à jour officiel.
vous pouvez lance la mis a jour a partire de Fusion.
« Modifié: 19 novembre 2017 à 10:28:35 par Emmanuel »


  • Clickeur bien intégré
  • Messages: 533
    • Voir le profil
  • Logiciel: Fusion 2.5Dev
  • Module APK: Oui
  • Module Flash: Oui
  • Module HTML5: Oui
  • Module iOS: Oui
Re : Annonce des Patchs Officiel et des Patchs en bêta.
« Réponse #175 le: 19 novembre 2017 à 12:19:26 »
- *New* Named flags: the object flags can now be named and initialized in the properties (like alterable values).
Juste pour ça j'installe la MAJ  :love


  • Staff Technique
  • Clickeur bien intégré
  • Messages: 924
    • Voir le profil
    • Steam Powered Phénix
  • Logiciel: Fusion 2.5Dev
  • Module APK: Oui
  • Module HTML5: Oui
  • Module iOS: Oui
Re : Re : Annonce des Patchs Officiel et des Patchs en bêta.
« Réponse #176 le: 19 novembre 2017 à 12:30:20 »
- *New* Named flags: the object flags can now be named and initialized in the properties (like alterable values).
Juste pour ça j'installe la MAJ  :love
Yui, c’était tellement chiant d’oublier à quoi correspond les numéros de chaque drapeaux.



19 novembre 2017 à 16:35:43 Seyjin dit: Pour en revenir à Firefox, je crois que mon vieux PC en est tombé amoureux. Il avait tendance à surchauffer au bout de 5 minutes de vidéo sur Youtube. Le système d’onglets contextuels c’est super cool aussi, tu peux facilement utiliser plusieurs comptes Twitters en même temps par exemple. Et la fonction screenshot aussi c’est bien.
19 novembre 2017 à 10:28:52 Emmanuel dit: Bonjour le build 290.4 est maintenant le dernier patch de mise à jour officiel.
18 novembre 2017 à 12:14:16 Emmanuel dit: Bonjour la nouvelle version de Firefox j ai test les jeux en htlm5 il y a une sacre différence de vitesse chargement et je pense que il supporte mieux le langage.
17 novembre 2017 à 14:03:36 Seyjin dit: Haaa 😱
Je viens de m’apercevoir que ma fonction fullscreen dans 10010 ne marche pas sur tous les navigateurs. Bon j’ai plus qu’a modifier ça.
16 novembre 2017 à 22:06:53 Kloug dit: Super la mise à jour Firefox!
03 novembre 2017 à 11:51:37 Seyjin dit: Vous pensez que mon application Featherlink, qui n’est ni un jeu ni ne sert à faire des jeux, aurait sa place sur ?
29 octobre 2017 à 16:22:07 Monos dit: n'oubliez pas de changer d'heure.
27 octobre 2017 à 12:58:00 arthurh dit: ah... acheter fusion sur steam.... bof quand même.... mais bon... il y est...Si vous achetez des trucs à CT, préférez l'achat sur leur store, cela leur fera plus de thunes ;)
26 octobre 2017 à 22:52:46 Patrice dit: Moitié prix sur Steam
26 octobre 2017 à 22:50:54 Patrice dit: Promos d'Halloween Clickteam !
23 octobre 2017 à 10:45:35 Menestroll dit: Le public a parfois du mal à se rendre compte l'investissement que demande ces jeux AAA et toutes les ressources qui sont mobilisées.
23 octobre 2017 à 10:44:22 Menestroll dit: Je fais des ateliers pour enfants avec mon association "Création jeux vidéo", la première séance consiste surtout à briser les attentes des fans de GTA ou COD :D Mais cela ne touche que quelques individus dans le groupe. Une fois dans le processus créatif, ils se prennent au jeu.
23 octobre 2017 à 08:47:52 Patrice dit: Tout le monde veut courir avant d'apprendre à marcher...
22 octobre 2017 à 22:48:15 ValLoche23 dit: Parfois, je sais pas pour vous, mais quand j'essaie d'apprendre les rudiments sur Fusion à des novices qui veulent créer leurs jeu, ces derniers ont souvent tendance à croire qu'ils vont créer le dernier Call Of Duty ou le dernier MMORPG dernière tendance, et quand ils se rendent compte que c'est quasi impossible, ils se démotivent totalement et laissent tomber ! Vous avez déjà eu ça vous ? #MomentRéflexion
18 octobre 2017 à 12:24:29 Seyjin dit: Non, mais j’avais peut être mal fait un truc.
18 octobre 2017 à 12:22:33 Patrice dit: J'ai déjà rencontré ça avec des fichiers appelés de ma dropbox, c'est le cas ?
17 octobre 2017 à 22:06:34 Seyjin dit: Bon je pige plus rien, là ça marche 😨
17 octobre 2017 à 21:52:28 Seyjin dit: Fausse alerte, c’est l’objet Fichier qui veut des "\" alors que Apppath– met des "/" 😱
17 octobre 2017 à 21:05:47 Seyjin dit: hm petit bug étrange Apppath$ et Appdir$ ne me retourne plus rien.
16 octobre 2017 à 10:02:29 Emmanuel dit: patrice c est quoi c est new comme quoi Firefly  serai et portable sur telephone et web ? tu a des info.
12 octobre 2017 à 18:49:45 Monos dit: Il y a des jours comme ça on en apprend des truc cool, Le gérant de CT Françis Poulains est aussi le fondateur D'amiga Dream, lol un vieux magasin que j'avais et que j'aimais bien quand j'était petit. ah ah
04 octobre 2017 à 19:51:47 Seyjin dit: Bon, c’était un peu plus long que prévu. Mon exemple de gestion de manettes arrive très bientôt 😁
29 septembre 2017 à 20:52:09 Patrice dit: Ouvrez un topic merci :)
29 septembre 2017 à 20:44:42 Seyjin dit: Tu parles sans doute du type de mouvements. Je ne sais pas du tout si les mouvements physiques sont faisable ou non en free, par contre les mouvements non physiques sont possible.
Les collisions ne dépendent pas du type de mouvements. Elles peuvent se faire entre deux objets actifs ou un actif et le décore (si celui ci est défini comme obstacle).
Pour les obstacles et les plateformes c’est une spécificité des objets décores.
29 septembre 2017 à 20:29:30 Pit73 dit: Hello, si tu as besoin d'aide, ouvre un topic, en général ce qui est limité est entre la chaise et le bureau. ( tout s'apprend quoi... )
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